Two girls came walking hand in hand in Handen yesterday. Should I rewrite that? Anyway, this is Mirke and Alexandra. I took them for a couple, but they were just friends, although very good friends, which the rings are proof of, they called it Vänskapskärlek.Friendship love. Mirke, who is studying to become a nursing assistant lives at Årsta Havsbad. Her friend Alexandra lives in Tyresö, (a neighbouring municipality),and works as a personal trainer. She looked super fit, and that is thanks to her mixed martial arts training.
This is a little uncomfortable - he very hard light, barbed wire tattoo, Alexandra's hair, skin color and expression making her look like a female villian from a James Bond movie.
Alexandra looks a little bit scarily too fit Steffe, martial arts you say, one good thing she could certainly look after herself oui :)
YOU are so clever to find interesting people, photograph them and tell their story in just a few lines.
Se där, ordvitsen var klockren! Och färgen på tjejernas linnen får mig att undra om de har reflexvästar på sig... ;-)
Kul att du lyckas få så många människor att ställa upp på en bild. Men jag gissar att det då och då händer att du får ett nej också. Eller?
Korrekt uppfattat Lasse.
Det händer då och då att folk tackar nej. Både unga och lite äldre, tjejer och killar. Förvånansvärt många "extroverta" typer verkar vara kamerablyga. Då är det bara att säga inga problem, och sen börja titta sig omkring efter nästa person.
It was a tricky situation with the light, Had been better to shoot two separate portraits, but the reason I stopped them was because of the hand-holding.
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