Out shooting some autumn scenes in Tungelsta a couple of days ago I noticed a family at a playground. They took no notice of me, but their dog saw me coming. He decided that I might be fun to play with, and had a go at biting my hands, so it was a good thing that I was wearing my new gloves. Meet Sergei The dog, not pug, thanks Malin and Mike.
Good looking dog. (Not.) Glad you were wearing gloves, but too bad they were new. Christening new gloves with dog drool and dog teeth marks is not a good start.
Cute and lethal !
He's cute, I like the tongue sticking out. I don't like that he was biting your hands though.
But that is not a pug though.
Pug is mops in Swedish, witch is not the breed in the (lovley) picture.
Pug: https://www.google.se/search?q=pug&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:sv-SE:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=sv&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=HICTULi0PJDKsgamnoH4Aw&biw=1525&bih=666&sei=IYCTUKWJKMbSsgbtmIHgBA
I never liked pugs but I have a neighbour with one and he has rather worn me down to something approaching liking him. Pugs really don't do cute but they can be characters.
I am not really a dog person, but this one is awesome!
I agree with an earlier poster -- if that's a pug, it's different from any that I've ever seen. Possibly a pug cross of some sort?
I'm no dog expert Malin and Mike, but lets agree that it is a cool looking dog!
And if I want a new pair of gloves I will have to travel to Island! That's where my brother bought them for me.
I know what you mean Paul. I'm no dog person myself but I have learned to like a few dogs over the years.
Looks somehow like his name brother - our ex prime minister :) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Stanishev
Hehehe, he liked the gloves too!
What a cute little one! ;-)
Vilken sötnos :)
What a face!:)
Oh you've just got to love that face, or at least hope that his mother does haha! No seriously he's adorable!
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