Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Execution Rock

The Execution Rock

Before Sweden became a democracy we actually killed our citizens. Today's photo relates to a post I wrote just before Midsummer two years ago, about such an event. This glacial erratic in Jordbro has a gruesome history. Because for centuries it was used as a place of execution. It has seen many decapitations and hangings. The last person to die here was Anders Gustav Pettersson, who murdered his boss, Fredrik Jaedren, the brutal owner of the old estate Näringsberg. Many years ago before the railway, there was an old Inn near the rock, where visitors to and from Stockholm used to stay for the night. Obviously it was said that this place was haunted...


Sharon said...

Those who don't know about it could pass by never even thinking about the history of the place. said...

All of the people who have been exonerated of wrong convictions are evidence that distant memories of executions such as those that exist in Sweden need to become part of the culture of places such as Texas.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh that's interesting Steffe, as Sharon said, if you didn't would just be a rock! This story works in well for Halloween by the way!!

Jim said...

Gruesome history.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Anonymous said...

Without knowing the history, it just looks like a big rock... sad.

zakton said...

Knowing that story, if I come over near the rock in a dark night, my brain would certainly play tricks on me.

Josy said...

Oish. See, now, that is an interesting bit of local history, horrible as it may be.

Marcel said...

Wow cool story!! You wouldn't think that when you see that picture... I have to look it up when I am in Sweden next month!

CaT said...

im just curious how they used that rock in the killings? or was it just the location?

Stefan Jansson said...

Indeed Sharon. There is a sign with some information but I guess most people don't see it.

Looks like you don't have to worry about Perry for President now.

Ha ha, you better stay away then zakton!

I think it was the location CaT. The executions probably took place next to the big rock.