I noticed Sofie in Handen and immediately knew that I would have to ask her for a portrait. I told her that I was specifically looking for someone with red hair and that made her ask why. It's a project in the Utata group over at flickr. Sofie is a university student studying technology. She attends the Lund University. Originally she comes from Rimforsa in Östergötland. This summer Sofie has stayed with her sister who lives in Haninge, and during the summer she has been studying German at KTH in Handen. She sings in one of the university choir and has competed in Orienteering.
I would have guessed Scotland rather than Sweden for this person.
Remarkable post yesterday.
By the way, I do not mention this to be critical, because I do not speak a second language so I am ignorant compared with you and most Europeans, but I thought that you might want to know what you have written as quire in your post is spelled choir. English is horrible for its odd pronunciations and spellings, unlike languages that are phonetic, such as Spanish, German and Russian.
Moreover, my mother's family was 100% Swedish in origin, with my grandmother learning English only when she went to school, as they spoke Swedish at home, yet my mother knew only a few words of Swedish, and I was never exposed to and have lost the heritage of the language. Sad.
A "quire" in English formerly means 4 sheets of paper folded to form eight leaves.
I had not heard the word quire used in any other way so looked it up. Maybe because I used to buy a lot of specialty paper for printing purposes.
She looks very pretty Steffe and I have a soft spot for redheads as my daughter is one (at the moment haha!!).
Such pretty red hair!!
Oops, my bad spelling corrected.
She is an attractive and composed young woman, Steffe. Dave is right about choir, but I'll bet half of Americans would spell it wrong. English is a weird language.
She isn't certainly over tanned like most of the young ladies here...
Lovely smile and skin - the red hair suits her well. I love your portraits!
Glad you like the portrait Nathalie.
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