I noticed this very arty bike outside a new second hand boutique in Handen last week. It's there to attract customers and perhaps even a photographer or two. The store is called The Wishing Well. Or Önskekällan in Swedish. Owned by Agnetha Sjöstedt. She has a great concept. She sells both quality clothing and handicraft. And as her son Timmy is a magician, Agnetha also sell magic books and other stuff for any wannabe magician. And if you want to see some magic stop by the shop any Friday. In the future you will be able to buy flowers here. And hopefully buy a cup of coffee. I told Agnetha about my portrait series and mentioned Stellan with the sexy hot rod and she knew him! The reason for that was her daughter Jannica, who is (or perhaps has been), a roadracing driver, and now works on a motorcycle magazine where Stellan participates sometimes . I like coincidences like that.
This proves that you can get creative with just about anything.
that is TOTALLY AWESOME!!! So creative & homey-like....I love it!
I never would have thought to do this.
c'est sympa, comme ca il a pas froid le velo, j'aime beaucoup la selle
I love the concept of knitting over a bike - she is like the artist Christo. http://www.christojeanneclaude.net/
Cool ride!
Maybe, it was left by one of the Clangers
This certainly does make that bike look unique!
Värsta fina cykeln, alltså! Och massa rådisar och allt :) Hur hamnade jag vid Tommy Eken? Nå väl, många klickar små leder till Ultrahuset. Där hängde jag i min ungdom. "Mera hitlåtar!" (Jag kan ju inte kommentera på Flickr)
Jag såg Tommy Eken dagen efter mitt besök på Gula Villan. Skulle naturligtvis ha stoppat honom för en bild. Brorsan spelade i ett par band när han var yngre. Dom spelade både på Ultrahuset och på Gula Villan.
If you google "knitted graffiti" there will be a whole world of intriguing stuff. But despite all that, I have never seen any in reality. Very nice!
Everybody in my family knits - my wife, my daughters, my mother, my grandmother, my sister and I! (Even my Great-grandfather knit in Sweden before he emigrated to America) So, this caught my eye!
Hej! Jannica här, Agnethas dotter! :-) Stellan känner jag därför att han är skribent på tidningen jag jobbar som säljare, MC-Nytt.
Mamma har en son som dock heter Timmy, Magnus är killen som säljer sina produkter i butiken och brorsan trollar :-)
Tänkte bara rätta till lite, må så gott! Vänligen, Jannica
Ha. Tack för det Jannica. Jag skall rätta mina fel.
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