On the photo promenade I took with kenny lex in Handen a few days ago, after having some coffee at a church of all places, we walked down Vikingavägen (Viking Road). And in front of the grocery store (named after the god of thunder Thor), there is a modern type of rune stone. Kenny asked if I knew anything about it. Nope I said. So he told me the story. He made it! A few years ago he found the stone (it had previously been used as foundation), close to the railway line in northern Handen. As it weighs around 900 kilo he asked two Polish workers to help him lift it onto his pickup truck. Then after working on the stone and cutting the ornamentation he placed it on a lawn not far from here. Some local teens had a go at it. Kenny called the local politicians and they decided to move the stone to it's current position.
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