I enjoy minimalism. And I'm always looking for it. Using the simplest materials and forms available often makes for great art and form. Like here at Nederstaleden in Västerhaninge. A white brick wall and a white wooden fence. Just like that.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
I agree completely. Minimalism is however hard. It may look simple, but it definitely is not. There are so many things that could have been wrong with this picture (but the aren't because you know what you are doing).
I am thinking of things like if you had been shooting at the slightest angle, that would have spoiled the feeling for me. Or if your lens distorted the clean straight lines.
Or if the brick was off-white rather than white (easily corrected in PS but anyway)...
You know what I am saying? I see people try to achieve great minimalism sometimes but it just does not work out.
And on top of that, would you like to write an article on minimalism for ichimusai.org (english) or fotonen.se (swedish)? Fotonen is my new project, I want people sharing their photographic knowledge styles and techniques there and I want you onboard :)
This is a great shot, love the minimalism. Even simple is interesting. Goddag
Thanks Anders. Goddag Carrie.
Great shot! I would certainly agree, sometimes less is more... The monochrome colors emphasise the simplicity perfectly...
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