Wednesday, February 05, 2025


Swedish word of the day. Valvgång. Ferkens gränd in the old town. Turn around and you are close to a popular square with a few good cafe's and restaurants. Or walk down to Skeppsbron, close to the water and maybe jump on a ferry somewhere?


roentare said...

It is a peaceful part of the town with that exquisite look and grace

s.c said...

Really found another wonderful vista. Very nice to see Stefan.

Sharon said...

A nice pathway. It looks like you've found a hidden spot to get this shot.

Bill said...

What a great perspective and image. Very nice indeed.

RedPat said...

A super shot.

Linda said...

Wonderfully framed! Great shot.

William Kendall said...

Well framed.

Stefan Jansson said...

Might walk down there again later today.