Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Karolinska Institute

The Karolinska Institute
Out walking around the University Hospital in Solna. Mid-afternoon, and as the sun slowly started setting everything turned yellow, so I decided to photograph a few facades.


roentare said...

The windows and the buildings look so classic

s.c said...

Nice facade. Looks like it is double as extra isolation perhaps?

Stefan Jansson said...

The building is called Biomedicum. Designed by C.F. Møller Architects. And the interior by Nyréns.

RedPat said...

Nice one.

Sharon said...

You achieved and amazing effect guided by the light.

Bill said...

What a fabulous shot!

William Kendall said...

Imagine that as a thousand piece puzzle.

Stefan Jansson said...

It would be a tricky one to solve.