Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Not just mail

Not just mail
Ryska Posten means The Russian Mail. Not a good name for a business after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. So Ryska Posten changed their name to Bara Posten, Just the Mail. Well, that didn't work either as PostNord told them that they owned the word Posten, and they were given one year to come up with a new name. So now they call themselves Inte bara post. Not just mail. Spotted at Munkbroleden a couple of days ago.


s.c said...

A smooth car for the post, though.

Peter van den Besselaar said...

Always difficult to think of a good name; i have made same mistakes

Jack said...

Interesting story. And nice red car against the building. (I have a post with three red cars lined up for tomorrow!)

Sharon said...

So do think this name will stick?

Stefan Jansson said...

Yes, must be costly to change name all the time. Looks like they are using a good sense of humour though.

RedPat said...

I like the new name.

Bill said...

Hopefully the new name will be fine by the people who have to approve it.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

William Kendall said...

Yeah, Russia has made itself highly unpopular.