Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ager Medicinare

Ager Medicinare Mosaic
From a walk at the Unversity Hospital and Nya Karolinska a few days ago. Mosaics made by Kristoffer Zetterstrand. I had some contact with him fifteen years ago. I took a few photos of a bookmobile that he designed. Later he asked if he could use some of the photos, which of course he could. This work is newer, if you look closely you can see the snake figure associated with Asclepios.


roentare said...

Looks like the graphics from 70s arcade games

Joaquín said...

Hermosos y coloridos mosaicos, muy bien encuadrados

s.c said...

Perhaps we should see this from a slightly greater distance.

Stefan Jansson said...

Yes, but it was tricky. I stood across the street and could no go back much further. If you use Flickr you can look at the map and see where I shot it from.

Peter van den Besselaar said...

The second photo reminds me of Vincent van Gogh

21 Wits said...

How wonderful that he used your photos, which are always stunning and capture the essence of things!

RedPat said...

Interesting after you know where they are located. The 2nd one is a heart?

Bill said...

Interesting art and rather unique.

Stefan Jansson said...

Thank you.