Saturday, September 10, 2022

Skolstrejk för klimatet

Greta Skolstrejk för klimatet
On Friday, duh!, Fridays For Future arranged twelve climate strikes around Sweden as they were very unhappy with the lack of climate discussion during the ongoing election campaign. In Stockholm, around four thousand people joined Greta Thunberg, first at Sergels torg and then out on the streets. I am still going through my photos from the strike, and if you would like to see them check out the Flickr album Climate Strike where I will put all the photos from the protest.


Andy said...

Good luck to them... but climate has a mind of it's own. ☔

s.c said...

Hee a famous face here.

RedPat said...

It is a hard issue to ignore these days.

William Kendall said...

Good takes, Stefan.

Sharon said...

Greta is one hard working, dedicated teenager. I hope she can make a difference.

roentare said...

Nice to have the legend caught on camera!

Aimz said...

Yes it's much the same here too.