After a short drive from Ytterjärna we arrive at Tullgarn Palace. One of eleven Crown palaces in Sweden. Built back in 1720. King Gustaf V spent his Summers here back in the day. Today a listed building, owned by the state. Sure is a beautiful building. The second photo shows Kavaljersflygeln. The architect back in the day was Georg Theodor Policron Chiewitz. The third photo shows Värdshuset. The slottskafé at Tullgarn. Royal takeaway anyone? Sadly closed at the moment because of the pandemic. The fourth photo shows the view from the Tullgarnsviken bay. If you arrived to the palace via boat three hundred years ago, this is where you would have been greeted by General Magnus Julius De la Gardie who lived here back then. The fifth photo is a panorama of the palace, just because I like to complicate things every now and then, it took twelve photos but came out okay me thinks. Next we see the cafe from another angle. Followed by a second look of the Kavaljersflygeln. Next are two photos of King Oscar I:s orangery. Constructed in 1852. The architect was most likely Georg Theodor Policron Chiewitz. The first snap is of course a panorama made of umpteen photos. And last one more view of the palace.
Nice collection of buildings and all very austerely executed for a royal property.
These are beautiful!
Beautiful buildings and excellent composition.
They are all wonderfully beautiful!
Wonderful palace, Stefan... and great pics!
Wonderful architectural shots Steffe, the orangery is stunning 💜
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