The cliffs at Oxnö on a sunny but chilly Spring day last week. Always a favorite spot at the Gålö peninsula. I came here with one of the usual suspects for thermos coffee and a stroll along the cliffs. On the fourth photo you can see a ship from Sjömaskiner and if you have good eyes you might spot the old windmill at Utö. The swan stalked me during my walk along the cliffs so I really had no choise but to take a photo of it. The Gålö peninsula is a nature reserve filled with old farms, camp sites, interesting promenades, beaches, and much much more, it sees around one million visitors per year and that is pre-pandemic numbers.
These photos are simply gorgeous. What a wonderful view!
Spotted the windmill 😊 Those pesky attention seeking swans :) Looks like a super spot for a walk and thermos coffee Steffe ✨
What a lovely area!
I can’t imagine a nicer place for a sunny Spring day.
Absolutely beautiful, a great area to spend the day.
A beautiful location.
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