Newish sixteen story building with 105 apartments at Regnbågsgatan near Forelltorget, at what is today known as Norra Tyresö Centrum. Built by Botrygg, together with Semrén & Månsson. The cutting edge part comes from the builders web site.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Thanks for your answer on smoke free. Good idea. This facade looks architectually more pleasing. Also a question of money I think.
Interesting building boom happening in your country.
Love the patterns made by those balconies.
More housing, I hope it fills the need.
Lots of highrises going up in your area.
It is eye catching.
Still astounded by the building going on! Evidently you live in a hot spot. Or something.What is going on???
If all those buildings are smoke free, I couldn't move to any of them. I'm 75. I guess when I can't take care of myself anymore, I'll have to quit. Insane, I know.
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