A wooden boat on the canal between Tullingesjön and Albysjön in Botkyrka. Built in Germany by Fr. Lürssen in Aumund Vegesack back in 1920. The material used is oak and mahogany. The owner waving to me is Bengt Larsson who bought the boat back in 2004. The renovation work took nearly a decade. The boat is today listed as a cultural relic. Bengt named the boat after his wife. Two earlier names are Möwe och Lathifa. Snapped these photos while out walking on a promenade called Stendalspromenaden a few days ago.
So I have to ask...how do you know so much about this boat? Are you a hobbyist or is the owner a personal friend?
That is a lovely boat!
I know how to do a Google search.
I've been to a gathering of old wooden boats here and they are certainly beautiful. That one is fabulous!
I have never wanted to own a boat, but if someone made me, I would pick a classic wooden boat like this.
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