Bad joke, (title), of the day. I'm done in the kitchen for now. Which means that the Swedish meatballs are done. The brother has taken over as Chef for the next hour or so, he will make a "räkomelett" and his favorite Christmas food "Janssons Frestelse". And then it will be my turn again as I'm in charge of the "prinskorv". Just came back from a visit to our mother at her care facility at Dalarö. She got a Christmas gift from the staff, which was nice to see. We enjoyed coffee and cake, and stayed for a couple of hours.
Så där ja, jag tycket jag läste att du inte var någon julfirarentusiast men med tanke på skiftgången i köket blev det trots allt en del julmat att sätta tänderna i. Och en trevlig ljusbild som är väldigt typisk för högtiden. Hoppas du får en fortsatt fin helg!
Oh what a menu. Wish I had been there.
Terrific shot!
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