Terrorist attack in Stockholm today. I was listening to a radio show when it was all of a sudden cut short as the news desk took over the broadcast with breaking news. So I have spent the last three hours listening to the radio, watching the Swedish networks, as well as CNN and BBC. There has been a lot of horrible photos on social media. Up to five dead and many more injured. No one arrested yet. The photo I used here is from a promenade in Tungelsta earlier in the week.
I've been following this news here. The world has some crazy people among us.
It's been all over the television here in the last few hours. The world's going mad.
It is terrifying.
So very sorry this has happened. Senseless horror.
So sad that all this is going on.
Our hearts go out to the people of Sweden.
Another heartless act. It's sad and senseless.
It was very sad. The free people of the world support Sweden at this difficult time.
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