Noticed a few ice fishers out on the lower lake at Rudan so I tried walking out there, but the ice cracked and before I knew it I was standing in ice cold water. So I turned around walked back up onto dry land before trying my luck closer to where the ice fishers were standing, but the same thing happened there, so I shouted to one guy and he came over so that could get a few photos. He told me that the ice was around 7 centimetre thick and that this was the catch of the day.
Inte den största rödingen men ändå så vackert färgad både på buken och fenkanterna. Jag har bara haft nöjet att fiska (flugfiske) efter inplanterad röding men i det vilda är detta en av de mer skygga och svårflörtade fiskarna som finns.
Jag tilltalas mycket av din bild över sjön som jag tycker är fin både i komposition och ljus. Det är kallt nu, vi får stå ut, och det går att få annorlunda bilder i naturen.
That's fresh.. weather and fish :)
I don't think I'd want to walk on ice of that thickness.
That must be very satisfying, to catch a fish, take it home, and cook it up. Does it get any better?
That first photo is brilliant. Love it.
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