The snow machines and the recent snow fall have made it possible to open the ski tracks at the Rudan Nature reserve in Handen. I decided to stop by and get a few snaps of some of the cross-country skiers yesterday. It's not a very long track so you have to go round and round, but it's very inexpensive, it will only cost you 60SEK and for that you get a good workout and whenever I talk to a skier they scream of happiness!
Det finns ingen annan tid på året som gör skidåkare så exalterade över lite snöflingor som knappt två månader innan Vasaloppet. Man kan tro att alla svenskar i vuxen ålder åker någon av alla loppen under Vasaloppsveckan... ;-)
Den första bilden är ruskigt bra! Härligt skärpesläpp, perfekt skärpa på åkaren och ett snyggt snöfall över det vita landskapet. Nästan så att jag blir lockad att prova längdskidåkning för första gången på 32 år. Men bara nästan.
One of my favourite winter activities... Terrific captures, Stefan!
Love those little snowflakes in the air. Great action shots.
Mersad Donko Photography
I never had the opportunity to learn to ski, but oh, this does look like fun!
US$ 7. That is a good deal. I'm terrible at all kinds of skiing, though. These people seem to be having a very good time.
Would that we could do that here. I love to cross country ski. You well captured those lucky enough to be able to do it there.
Looks so much fun, but there's the problem of balance :) Do you ski Steffe?
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