If you close your eyes the weather will have changed when you open them again. This morning the sky was blue. Nearly all the recent snow was gone. The temperature at the moment is 11C and rising. The only thing that I can complain about is that it is very windy. I haven't shot a real street portrait since I photographed Madde back in September of last year, but I might have a go at that later today. I found the Spring flowers at Nederstaleden before the latest snow fall.
Your photo was like a breath of fresh air to me. Winter is still hanging on here.
So different from yesterday's.
Crocus (Croci ??) are my very favorite spring flowers!
Very pretty and I'm sure a very welcome sight to you. I hate wind! Hope it dies down soon!
Lovely low shot. Sunshine and showers, chill winds then warmish here. On the cusp of seasons...
Very pretty and I see the bees are getting busy too!
Hey, you took our spring ! It cool, cloudy, and windy here today. It had been warm and sunny for the past week!
That's lovely! Here winter's still persisting...
I can't believe that you have these and we, so much farther south, have nothing. Nature rolls dice over and over.
These crocus look like Spring!
I hope your weather stays this way!
Very pretty flowers.
A very pretty Spring photo, delightful !
That is just a lovely photograph. I love the low level you chose. Happy Spring!
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