You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I know, because I built it. Well maybe not, but I was at the park in Handen yesterday when I heard something flying over my head. A six winged flying contraption, or maybe a drone, not really sure what it should be called. Had a chat with the guy who controlled it. A real geek. He had bought in in Thailand. It had six motors, a very impressive camera set-up, he explained all the technical facts and we also discussed all the permits you need to have if you want to use this commercially. He could fly it up to 100 meters and showed a few photos from above Handen, Jordbro and Lake Rudan.
I think it looks more like an insect.
I receive advertisements by email from someone who operates one of these camera drones and solicits engagements to do aerial photos and videos of our vacation condos. I have not pursued the opportunity.
The privacy implications of drone photography are obvious and serious. A U.S. Senator went to look outside the window of her residence and found herself face-to-face with a drone that had been looking inside at her.
These things can be bought online. I'm afraid privacy is a thing of the past and the future is foreboding for drones provide information and whomever controls information controls the world!
Riktigt bra bilder på en häftig farkost! Ser ruskigt kul ut att försöka styra i luften. Jag gissar att den i alla fall är avsevärt mycket stabilare än en helikopter med tanke på mängden rotorblad/propellrar.
It won't be long before these things are everywhere. Wait til the bad guys figure out how to add explosives and other nasty things to them. On the other hand, I've seen some great photos taken from them.
I want one of these.
It does have something of an insect vibe going on about it.
I've seen these on television. If it holds a camera that can be controlled remotely, I want one!
Then you have to buy one Bob because you can control the camera very easily, the geek demonstrated how to do it. I was thinking about taking his portrait but I figured I would get too much technical info if I did.
Ooh, that is so cool! Will you be getting one?
I don't think so Hilda, I prefer shooting the normal way.
The bottom shot is amazing! Terrific capture, Stefe.
It looks fun Steffe, but I think I'll stick to my Olympus also :)
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