I'm guessing that working out regularly at a gym is on many peoples New Year's Resolution list at the moment. My Tamron 70-300mm zoom lens found two of them today, in Handen at the S.A.T.S gym. Second photo is a three photo panorama.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Can I have it with fries on the side, please? ;-)
Not too hot on New Year Resolutions myself: but well done those who make them and keep to them! Happy 2014 to you:)
Good luck with that! I don't make NY's resolutions 'cause I hate to disappoint myself! :)
Well, there they are!
I like that panorama ! I exercised the old fashioned way today... went for a run. Of course it was 10 degrees C here !
We had around 5C so not that much of a difference then, but it was a really grey day.
They look lonely depressing in these photos. My firm moved to a new office building last weekend. It has an exercise room, which the old one did not. I wonder if I will spend some time there.
THat's not too many people. My gym has been full, but I am sure by next month many of those people will be gone. ;)
I resolve to 'drive' by a gym each day. There. How's that?
I have that lens. It's a nice one.
That will make a few kilos heavier this year Birdman.
Steffe you're supposed to be IN the gym not outside taking photos :)
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