We knew it was coming. And now it is here. Winter. This was the first photo I took today as I decided to go for a Winter promenade around Tungelsta. Kids these days...
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
Now, that's a cool winter shot.
Smart kid.
Haha! That's what I need, someone to drag me around :)
Den otacksamma föräldrarollen... Kul bild och nu kanske det blir omväxling i bilderna ett tag framöver. Snön borde i alla fall under en kort tid ge lite inspiration. :-)
Great catch!
That kid knows how to be cool.
We're still waiting. The temperature dropped this evening in the fog. But nothing in the forecast. Excellent way to do things...
This is a charming snow scene, Steffe.
Unbelievable. Not even a hint of excitement.
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