A couple of years ago there was an email in my inbox with an invitation to visit a little village in Haninge called Lyngsta. I took the bike up there one day and met with Rolf Sander. He was an interesting man who lived in a unique house that he had built from scratch. He also told me about his plans for a little museum. He wanted to make a gas station from the 1950s. I met him again recently and he told me that the museum plans were on hold for the moment. Anyway, this wagon is Rolf's way of advertising. He sells these wooden water barrels and uses the wagon to point the way to the village.
What a shame that your friend hasn't been able to realise his dream of creating a small museum. I am always thrilled that people still make things like these barrels by hand rather than some Asian mass production.
I've just realised that you didn't actually say he made the barrels!
I hope he achieves his goal of establishing a museum.
These may be water barrels, but they probably hold more ice than water right now.
This is some serious snow...
Being a child of the 1950s, «Louis» hopes your friend gets his '50s gas station built!
I hope he can create his museum. When I first saw this photo, I thought those were wine barrels.
What a unique way of advertising Steffe, I like it.
If I remember correctly from when we met four years ago, Rolf buys the barrels from the guy that makes them, and then he fixes them up in his own style. Many locals buy them because I see this type of barrel everywhere.
A real craetive force and your photos are great.
Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave
Great photos!
We all should follow our dreams and I hope your friend can too. Lovely capture.
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