Two cross-country skiers, one poodle and two girls out horseback riding was what I noticed on my visit to the old tree yesterday. I don't think I have photographed a skier next to the tree before. The black poodle was a tough little fellow, he made it very clear that I should stay away from him!
Looks like a great day to be outdoors. I love trees, too.
The "Old Tree" is still hanging in there. Is time for someone to clean up the broken branch?
I agree with Andy Steffe, that old branch has been lying there long enough. Amazing to think in a month or so you'll be showing us the old tree with new spring buds all over it.
Wonderful shot! I love the activity in the road in the distance. But, I'm feeling a bit sorry for the old tree with the broken branch!
Don't mess with a poodle. He was probably cold and tired! Like the old tree! And me!
I love seeing your old tree at different seasons!
I always like seeing this old tree. THAT is a blue sky.
Looks like a great day but I too wish they would remove that broken branch.
Wonderful shot, brilliant sunshine and people loving it!
Gorgeous day to be out!
What a nice image, so fresh and so wonderful with the big tree!
Always good to see how the tree is coming along. If you have a wood burning stove Steffe you could take the broken branches home and make good use of them!
With a bit of winter damage too. Wonderful tree.
The way that track snakes away into the distance is lovely...looks like a well used ski track. The light with the long shadows is very pretty.
Actually Al, normally the ski tracks are to the left, and to the right of this path. The path is mostly used by people either out horse back riding or sulky training. And of course joggers and one or two photographers.
That is a good question Andy. Maybe someone will remove it come the spring. You probably need a chainsaw and a tractor, because it is a heavy tree branch.
He was tired Lowell, because he was actually pulling the woman skier a bit!
My kind of sky Jack.
Nice to meet you again, old tree...
A broken branch on our friend. Any idea why?
Apparently you don't read my blog on a daily basis JM! Let me know when you have figured it out!
I am imagining the green look in summer !!!!!
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