This was a different encounter. As I was shooting a couple of portraits of Fredrik, this woman ran past us. A few minutes later I caught up with her and from my bike I asked her if I could take a portrait and ask a few questions. Sure, as long as I can keep running was the answer! So I started asking my questions on the fly. This is Nina from Tungelsta. She was out on a 20 kilometre run in preparation for her first Marathon, the Stockholm Marathon. As you can see she is super fit. Nina works as a personal trainer at S.A.T.S gym in Handen, but she recently passed the fire-fighter entrance exam and is currently in a very tough seven week programme in her fire-fighter training. After our chat I then had to leave Nina behind me so to speak as I needed to jump off the bike and snap a few quick shots before she ran past me again!
i often think; i should go for a run.. but i almost never do...
oh, and i like the photo! so sharp! and full of healthy action..
I've just been going back through some of your street portrait shots. Wonderful! And the little snippets of the people's lives is an added bonus.
Wow. a marathon! yikes. Running is not my favorite.... and wow! I wish I had the guts to approach people like you do!
Good job. You're fast. Even on a bike!
Lois Anne intended to run the Stockholm Marathon but hasn't been able to arrange it yet.
Nice portrait, Steffe. It is probably how she would like her own portrait to be.
Makes me want to go for a walk!
big effort to go with her ... you deserve the bloggers medal for effort!
That's one tough lady. Good sense of motion and power in this.
Nice story and congratulations on getting the shot. You really earned this one.
I haven't visited in a while - your portraits are excellent. I wanted to also say thanks for your interpretation of my picture with the traffic signal box and the people on the phones - very funny!
Judging by your last few posts, everyone in your area is incredibly athletic. Makes a couch potato like me feel ashamed.
Jogging..... imponerer meg!
Spesielt når de smiler!
Det er for mange sure joggere....
Flott foto av sporty mennesker.
Det likte jeg.
It's amazing how you can take photos of people and manage to learn their background. That's cool, Steffe! I want to do that, but I guess I still don't have the guts to do that.
For the first time in my life I'll dream to be saved by a firefighter!
She looks like she could swallow a marathon for breakfast. Great photo, Steffe.
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