I took my first street portrait of the year yesterday. This is Ulf Andersson. He was out on a winter photo promenade (-10C), and when I spotted his Nikon camera I moved in for a portrait. He already knew who I was so I didn't have to explain too much. Uffe is a former engineer that for many years worked for Ericsson. Today he has his own company in a completely different field. Ulf repairs windows made from hand blown glass, and he also designs new windows in an old style. His parents owned one of Tungelsta's many greenhouse businesses, a place called Erikslund. The greenhouses are long gone, but today Ulf lives with his partner Maria at Erikslund. He is yet to set up a flickr account, but you can see a few photos at Fotosidan, and he also told me to visit Handlaget where you can see some of his work.
Great portrait!
Always good to say hi to other photographers, even better when they know who you are.
How do you keep your cameras functioning in the cold? Nice portrait.
what a fabulous portrait with which to start the new year.
His facial expression is warm and inviting. Nice.
Nice first portrait. Looks like a happy guy.
Nice portrait of a fellow photographer. Did you pose for him after your photo of him?
beau portrait et puis l'hiver il faut etre courageux pour etre photographe
Beaut photo - he looks well rugged up too.
I have to show this to my Mediterranean Canon camera, which sometimes refuses to work at temperatures of + 2-3°C!
A super beginning to your 2011 portrait series, Steffe! I like that you feature a fellow photographer for this first shot. I'm wondering how he can shoot with those huge gloves, though. (I have a pair of gloves with the tips of the fingers missing for shooting on frosty days/nights.
Keep warm out there!
Very much so Paul.
I used two cameras. The Digital Rebel is always in my bag, winter or summer. I took the portrait with the PowerShot which I had in my coat pocket. The batteries die quickly when it's cold so you have to work fast!
Ulf took a couple of snaps of me that might or might not turn up somewhere in the future!
Ulf told me that he uses a few old Nikon lenses from the analog time with his digital, clever dude. And I guess he will have to take off the gloves just like I do Kim!
Ulf looks like a really dedicated photographer! Although I'm not sure how he operates the camera with those mittens. :)
All my best to you in the new year.
Warm fingers and cold cameras are the bane of winter photography! Ulf looks like a very interesting guy!
Happy New Year, Steffe!!
You have captured a grand smile here, Steffe.
How's the eye?
A fine portrait! Winter photography is cold on the hands.
That is a fantastic portrait, what a friendly looking guy. Makes me want to go out there and hope to meet someone nice like that long my ventures.
En av oss,-fotoentusiaster!:)
Flott portrett!
The eye has healed Julie.
Give it a go Shannon. The worst thing that can happen is that they will say no thank you.
Visst är det så Gunn.
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