Tricky to use a bike on days like this one. The roads were very slushy yesterday with the temperature hovering around 0C. Later in the day the temperature fell and the roads become dangerously icy. The walkways are even worse as there's a decimetre of snow on most of them. So it's a tough life being a cyclist these days. My bike has been locked away in the basement for two months now, so I was very impressed when I noticed this man out walking with his bike and dog, heading towards the grocery store. I hope he made it home in one piece.
Luckily our snow has all gone in the south of the UK, but now it is all grey and wet.
Interesting scene. He's got his hands full with the dog, bike and parcels in the carriers over the rear wheel. You were always brave to be wander about in such a mess. But you have an excuse. You're addicted to photography!
I used my bike to deliver newspapers right through the winter months... yes, tricky on some days... and a few spills. hahaha
Maybe he is just using his bicycle so he can wheel his groceries home rather than carrying them, except then he would not need his helmet, unless that keeps his head warm.
Or maybe he uses his bicycle to remind him that in just a few months he will be riding through the countryside with spring flowers, which should help him from being depressed due to the lack of sunshine in the winter.
I think I prefer the snow John!
I did meet a woman outside the grocery store Dave, who walked her bike back and forth, so that she wouldn't have to carry the bags.
I had just done some shopping myself when I noticed a guy shovelling snow from the kiosk roof, so I snapped a few photos of that, and that's when I noticed the cyclist.
I still see people on bicycles in the winter here, usually carrying their skis over their shoulder. I need to capture that with my camera!
What is that red 'slice' of vehicle behind him, Steffe?
It's hard enough trying to ride a bike with a dog on a leash. Can't imagine trying to do it on snow/slush/ice!
This guy must be a masochist!
What a cute walking companion this gentleman has. Nice shot!
Not sure about his masochistic side, but I believe he was one of my scout leaders a few decades ago.
A quite hard task on the snow, at least it would be for one of us...
You obviously need to consider getting a pair of skies! I see a trend toward more severe winters in Sweden.
Hi, that´s my 80year old grandfather Ingvar Jonsson, who is a "daghusse" for some various friends dogs :) He doesnt own any kind of drivers license, except for big navy ships :) So he rides his bike almost every day, whatever the weather, even when going to Handen! He also enjoys riding inlines, slalom skis and cross country skating :D
@ Steffe
Yes, he was a scout leader back in the days! He has also been a projectionist at the cinema in Tungelsta Folkets Hus. Now hes doing some charity work for the library in Tungelsta skola.
Driving big navy ships sounds like fun!
Jag är lite dålig på namn så tack för det Chrille!
He was in the navy all his working life, from age 14-73 more or less. So he´s been behind the rudder on some big and small ships :) He was the chief of "Utbildningsdivisionen vid Berga Örlogsskolor" for many years.. And I can tell you IT IS FUN for a young boy to drive his grandfathers big "toys" :D
Det var så lite så! Jag sa till frugan häromdagen att det vore konstigt om inte farfar dyker upp på din sida någon gång, vi möter honom nästan varje gång vi själva är ute på promenad på byn hehe..
I met your grandfather today Chrille and told him where to find this photo. He would probably ask you for some help.
Cool :) yes I have already promised Him a crash course in internet browsing. Nice pictures of my workplace, "the bio power plant" by the way :)
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