...in three easy steps.
1.Move to Haninge.
2.Step outside.
3.Persuade someone else to build it.
I found this heap of snow at Hagavägen in Tungelsta yesterday. I was admiring the snow bank together with this very impressed kid and his grandparents. Sure looks like it would be enough to build a group of igloos. So if you are up for it, be sure to read this article before you get going.
yes superbe titre ;) et on peut faire un hotel-igloo avec toute cette neige
Oh God!
That's a bigga snow.
An amusing title, the child standing there seems overwhelmed as if you are asking that question to him ! I must say, I enjoyed this posting with a good laugh !
Have a wonderful day, my friend.
That is one BIG pile of snow. I am sure you could get at least one very nice igloo from that pile.
When that boy grows up and tells his children that, in his day, the snow was five times taller than he was, they won't believe him. Life repeats itself.
Wowwwww , That's a huge amount of white staff. I've not seen so much for long while.
You can have too much snow!
WOW, so much snow!!!
Great great pic!
Yikes. Think I'll saty here thanks.
That photo invaded me my eyes with snow and white light. I would like to do the first step, by the moment.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
what a shot!!!!
ha, I love it.
It must be tough sometimes with so much snow. Does everyone wear sunglasses?
And we complain about the little bit of snow we get. You have all that snow and cold and people are still venturing out into it!
I agree with Ben, what a huge amount of snow...something I haven't seen before. That's a great shot with the little boy in it to show how much it really is.
So much snow to move!
Oh my, that is a lot of snow!
Wow this is snow!
There might be some cars under there... or a house!
So funny. And great shot!
cute, with the little kid...
My daughter tried to build an igloo this week. I don't think we have enough snow yet. That big pile of snow would be easy to make a snow cave!
Unbelievable! That's a lot of snow...
Wow. That's a lot of snow.
Voine! När jag ser denna bild så förstår jag hur MYCKET snö ni haft!!
Urläcker bild!
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