Two skiers crossing a field at Nedersta in Haninge yesterday. The red stable in the background belongs to the Nödesta farm. As I'm typing this it is snowing like crazy all over the country, and several big roads have been closed because of the snow storm and the many traffic accidents.
cela donne envie, belle photo, avec ce contrasme couleur entre la maison et la neige
Glad to hear you finally got that big snowstorm you wanted. It's snowing in most of Colorado today too.
The traffic accidents don't sound like fun, but the rest sure does and I'm loving your snow shots!!
pretty! so red and so white!
hope you enjoy the snow! here i havent seen any yet...
Yesterday looks like it was nice but I hope you don't need to go out today!
Well, at least they have a method of travel and it's probably good exercise. Love the building, too...are all buildings in Sweden this red?
Amazing, I wish I can go to a place of winter like this. Thanks for sharing.
That question pops up every now and then Jacob.
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