This is Michel. He is studying media at the Fredrika Bremer secondary school in Handen, focusing on photography. When I met him he was on his way to a forested area in Handen hoping to find something worth shooting there with his old Nikon. I asked him if he had any favorite photography places, and the answer was a bit surprising. Turns out Michel often shoots from the bus between Huddinge (where he lives), and Haninge (where he goes to school). You can see anything from the bus he continued, even falcons. Michel recently started a blog and if he got any cool shots from today you might see those there. I told him to open a flickr account, so who knows, maybe he will leave a comment there some day.
et puis il a du beau materiel, c'est un bel APN le D200.
What amazes me about his appearance is that it seems as though he must spend hours in front of the mirror to create the perfect appearance. Interesting. No one you photograph ever looks like me (did I comb my hair yesterday? Probably not)
Photography students seem to look similar all over the world - black clothes, piercings, etc.
I think you caught the essence of that young student. He has a peaceful look.
[Barcelona Daily Photo]
hihihihi. yes, his hair seems soooo perfect. He must use a lot of time as well as "out of bed superhair-mousse" to create his perfectly "messy" hair.
I like you pictured a young man :), your portraits are usually young females which i can understand from your perspective but for me.. ? :D
are piercings popular in sweden?
You could try the Dude tag CaT for more portraits of guys.
And yes, piercings and tattoos are very popular.
Just looking at him I'd have guessed he was either an artist or photographer. :)
Well, I hope he does well with his photography...and his Nikon may not be the latest thing, but the D200 is one heck of a camera!
he's got street style :))
Ah, man I must say that I love the picture! Really got my good side there! How did the rest of your day go? Me, I found some interesting places to shoot, never managed to find that well or spring you told me about though. Hum, I'll put them up on my blog as soon as I've transfered them to my computer.
And to those who said I spend hours in front of the mirror, combing my hair, I got four words: Shower, dry, flatting- Result. Oh and I am a very color full person in general, however I wear black clothes when I'm out shooting so that the light doesn't bounce of them- sounds silly I know but it works.
Thanks Steffe, I'll be watching for updates!
Nice to hear from you Michel. I took a bike ride down to Kalvsvik in Österhaninge. A place where you can find lots of interesting things to photograph. I guess I would have spotted you in your normal outfit as well, as I tend to be on the lookout for people that will stand out from a crowd. Perhaps I will see you at Lake Rudan some day.
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