The dishwasher gave up. As they do. Ordered a new machine. As one does. With "free" installation, and removal of the old one. But the delivery guys refused to install the new machine as there was a big water leak under the machine. They told me that I had to move the socket before they would come back. And that I needed a qualified electrician for that job. That was in October. Been doing the dishing by hand ever since. This very cool dome appeared this evening while I was doing the dishing-up. Could be some sort of sign I guess. And as this will be my only photo for the day it will be my 59th photo in the 100 Days Of Darkness project
A good macro.
I've used dishwashers maybe once or twice in my life.
I'm laughing. A fine photo of travails. Minor, but still, travails. Winter will be over.
And may you have some sun..a bit more every day now.
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