Saturday, November 16, 2019

Walking the Earth

Walking the Earth
I read an article yesterday about a man, Eric who had walked around the planet. Sort of. For the last decade, he had walked the same promenade every day year-round in the picturesque Hagaparken. No matter the weather. He was celebrated yesterday with flowers and cake. This man has done the same. His daily walk takes him from Tungelsta to the retirement home in Västerhaninge where his wife lives, and then home again. I don't know his name but we often stop for a chat. He is always very positive and has told me quite a few stories over the years. I guess I should buy him coffee one day. And cake.


Bill said...

What a nice experience to see him and have a chat.
Wonderful photo, I like it.

William Kendall said...

It is good exercise.

Jack said...

A meaningful image and text. Yes, buy the man a coffee and cake and let him open up to you.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You definitely should Steffe ✨