There I was on all fours in a forest in Österhaninge trying to get a macro photo of an Autumn leaf when Peter walked by with his dog. He is an avid photographer, shooting mostly landscapes and portraits with his analog Medium format camera. Peter worked in IT for 35 years. Employed by Siemens. He spent quite a few years in the US working with the early Internet together with people like Steve Jobs. He was heavily involved with the first Telecommuting in Sweden. One of his clients was the Swedish camera maker Hasselblad. Then all of a sudden he collapsed. He couldn't think. Couldn't eat. His brain completely shut down, and with it his whole body. He lost something like 50 kg in weight. Today everyone knows about burnout and work-related stress, but when it happened to Peter no one knew what it was. It took him a decade to get back to some sort of normality but he hasn't worked a day since the burnout. To keep busy he took up gun shooting and was president in the local club for a long time. But these days he only shoots with his camera, just as he did in his youth. Because of all the stress, Peter took the decision to stay away from the online world completely, so he will never read this text, but I did show him the portrait.
That's an impressive history of what can happen to you. Luckily he survived and it makes you think about work pressure and health.
It is a good portrait. He was lucky to survive.
Bra porträttbild och framförallt en bra redovisning av ett livsöde som ger perspektiv (och för all del en viss igenkänning från min sida). Men vilken resa den avbildade mannen varit med om!
Very interesting life story post. It does make you think about priorities doesn't it. I'm glad he was able to find his way back to photography, it can be healing!
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