I showed you one of the conical mystery stones at Sanda a while back. Here are two of the round stones. All in all there are six stones. The round ones sits on top of the rock closest to the road. The conical on a rock a few meters away.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
And no old stone cannon bullets?
I like the shallow depth of field. Has the origin been discovered?
I don't think so Bob. One theory is that a king, not sure which one, visited the Inn at Sanda and that this is some sort of memorial, maybe because the king fathered a few babies during his visits. If so mabye he had three sons and three daughters. The next question is when this supposedly happened. Some say 200 years ago and that it might have been Karl XV. And if it happened 300 years ago it might have been Fredrik I.
Whichever king it was, he was being something of a rascal.
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