It was snowing when I woke up yesterday. Had I been a bit quicker getting to the old tree there would have been snow on the branches, but you can't have everything, and this was the scene in the early afternoon.
Daily photos, portraits, and stories from Haninge, Stockholm and Södertörn in Sweden.
It's looking suitably stark, which fits with a winter setting.
Oh, I love this old tree...I can't believe I had forgotten it but I had. And I looked back through all or almost all your photos of it before.
Nice to see the old tree is still surviving the elements.
Jag gillar denna bild. Mycket. Det lågmälda och nordiskt kärva i vädret, det gråmulna och disiga som bygger landskapet runt det karismatiska trädet. Ett perfekt ögonblick att porträttera ditt gamla träd, tveklöst. (Att det inte är direkt lockande att vara ute i råkylan är en helt annan sak.)
That old tree will be around forever Steffe, will be good to see it with its spring buds soon!
Still loving the old tree
Nice to see THE TREE again!
I have a special fondness for that old tree of yours.
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