It was on this day ten years ago today that I started the "That Old Tree" project. It was supposed to be a one year project, but people asked me to continue so that is what I did. The tree has changed a bit over the last decade. There was a bad storm during Christmas a few years ago, and the tree took a hit losing a big branch. Lightning has also struck here once (another branch gone), and I was here when that happened and that wasn't much fun! It was a bit calmer today, 7C and windy on this my 451th visit to the Swedish Whitebeam at Välsta.
I hope you don't stop anytime soon! Joyeux Noël !
I love that tree and it's fun seeing it in all different seasons! I hope you having a very Merry Christmas!
Din insats är anmärkningsvärd! Att under 10 år och med 100-tals besök dokumentera denna vy med ett träd i centrum är beundransvärt och intressant. Grattis till ditt jubileum och jag hoppas det får fortsätta många år framöver.
It looks in fine form.
Ten years and 451 visits! You deserve an award for persistence and dedication. I am one of those who always loves seeing the tree.
Thank you for doing this for so long. I've been here most of the time...
I love this tree, Steffe! God Jul!
The old tree is like a familiar friend now Steffe. Long may it survive the perils of the weather !
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