The old
sandpit gravel pit in Handen was turned into a green park (Eskilsparken), many years ago. This fountain, next to the amphitheatre is part of an artwork made by PYE Engström, called The Birds. Oh, and my photo is also art, I took 20 photos with the pancake lens and stitched them together just because I could.
Where you say "sand pit" I think "sand quarry" ...
More a pond than a fountain, Steffe. Now ... stitch some spouting water into the scene somewhere, there's a good lad!
Your skill with these multi-photo applications is remarkable. I have enough trouble with just one photo.
I slutänden borde du fått ihop en väldigt stor bildfil...
Fint återgiven plats. Hösttonerna finns kvar och förs framåt av konstverket/dammen/fontänen. Himlen hör hösten till, det kan inte vara klarblått alltjämt.
Trivs du med 40 mm-objektivet?
A very large fountain, beautiful !
It's not much of a water feature this fountain I'll give you that Julie, but it is there. Only it's not turned on this time of the year with the Winter approaching. I have one or two snaps to prove both are points. Oh and I should have written gravel pit, My bad.
Jag ställer ner bildstorleken till small jpg när jag tar panoramabilder, annars kan det ta lite väl mycket datorkraft att få ihop bilderna. Pannkaksobjektivet är min nya favorit.
Beautiful shot!
Wow, 20 pictures! Good work!
I think I see seals? They're fun.
I like more your artwork than the original, but it is good they made a park of it!
There's a lot of things I do 'just because I can' Steffe :) joining 20 photos together is not one of them :) Looks fab, I'm glad you to it!
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