Thursday, February 28, 2013


This is Bork. He is a dog. He is two years old. He is new in town. He grew up in Flen and recently moved in with my neighbours, Danuta and Ingemar here at Bergdalen in Tungelsta. Bork told me that he doesn't like cats.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
Another week, another visit to the old tree.I met Christina on my way to the old tree this time. She was out walking with Stefan. Christina told me about some of the more interesting birds that visit her place, Övre Välsta. Like the Common Quail, the Brown Owl and The Black Woodpecker, and she promised to give me a call if and when they showed up.This is photo number 308 of the old tree. Christina also makes an appearance on a Summer visit to the Swedish Whitebeam.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Agricultural College

Berga Agricultural College
Berga Agricultural College
Two photos from the Berga Agricultural College. The school opened back in 1921. I try to visit once every year on the open-house weekend in the early summer. Before this became a school it was a private property. There's a 300 year old mansion that you can see if you use the time machine. The students here can choose between several different programmes. You have met one student on the blog before. That was the wow girl.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Husby in Winter

A Rural View
Husby is one of those places that I often return to with the camera. Today it is a horse farm in a rural setting near the golf course in Österhaninge. It has an interesting history. Back in the good old days (Centuries ago), any farm named Husby was a place where local farmers had to go and pay their taxes. To see a very different Summer view of Husby try the Time Machine.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

You Can Never Hold Back Spring

You Can Never Hold Back Spring
Really? This is the roof of a little shed belonging to the Nödesta farm. Try my Time Machine to see the shed and the sheep that once lived here.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Skiing towards spring

Skiing towards Spring
Still winter, but we did have a couple of hours with sunshine yesterday. Can't remember when that happened the last time. Took this photo of the cross-country skier in Västerhaninge on Friday as I was shooting some photos of a building site.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Deer in Snow

Deer in Snow
Artwork in the Brage park in Handen. It is called Deer with Hind. Made by the sculptor Arvid Knöppel.Shot with the Brenizer method.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Horsemeat Burger?

Horsemeat Burger?
The horsemeat scandal continues. Here is my take on it. A tasty burger. Hopefully without horsemeat, but you newer know...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cemetery in Winter

Cemetery In Winter
Old tombstone at the cemetery in Västerhaninge. This scene is shot using the bokeh panorama technique. In this case that means shooting multiple photos with the 50mm lens at f 1.8, and then stitching those together to create a photo with a very narrow depth of field. More on this fun technique here.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

That Old Tree

That Old Tree
I had the nifty fifty lens mounted on the Canon when I arrived to the old tree yestoday, so just for the fun of it I tried shooting the scene with that lens. This was the result. This is 40 photos stitched together. I think I managed to shoot it so that it looks like my normal photo of the old tree.

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Day in the World

A Day in the World
Back in May of last year I took part in a photo project called A Day in the World. Everyone with a camera was welcome to take part in the big project. A book was released in November. I had a look in it at my favorite cafe today. Lots of very good photos from all over the world. It doesn't look like any of my photos made the cut, but as there was thousands of photographers involved, that isn't all that strange. One of the people behind this great project, Paul Hansen, won a cool award last week. World Press Photo of the Year. You can see his photo here.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Winter and Summer at Nedersta

The red stable The stable
For some reason I have taken a few photos of this red stable over the last couple of years. You will find the building at the Nödesta Farm. Winter photo is from a recent promenad to the old tree. Blooming canola photo dates back to the Summer of 2011.

Friday, February 15, 2013


Left by the side of the road. Probably stolen. I stopped and had a go at shooting a bokeh panorama of the moped. A few hours later when I passed in the other direction it was gone.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Grey Day

A Grey Day
Another one of those grey winter days. I'm fed up with winter now. Today's photo shows a few old decaying farm buildings from what once was a farm in Tungelsta called Storgården, The big farm. Situated along Söderbyvägen. There are two farm houses here today that you can't see here.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Trains at a station

Commuter Trains
Two commuter trains at the Tungelsta station. Shot this from the newish bridge. If you shoot a scene like this one, a bit from above it is easy to make it into a miniature scene. For this photo I downloaded a free copy of a software called Focal Point 2. It is very easy to use. If you want to try it check out their web site.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fat Tuesday

How to eat a Semla
It's Fat Tuesday. In Sweden that means that you have to eat a Semla. It's pretty much mandatory. I stopped by my favorite cafe Malmens Konditori in Handen and ordered a couple of semla's. Henrik, who owns the cafe has won a few awards for his semla's, so it's good to know that they are of the highest quality. and very tasty!

Monday, February 11, 2013

A Slice of Pie

There Will Be Pie A Slice of Pie
I spent most of last week coughing and snoring. Mostly from my bed. Had a few days with fever. That's never any fun. But when the worst was over I managed to walk over to the grocery store, and I figured that baking a pie would make me feel a bit better. So I bought 300 grams of blueberries and raspberries and this is the result. Probably the best pie I have ever eaten. Served with vanilla sauce.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Now and then

A new house is currently being built at a property along Stavsvägen at Lillhammar in Tungelsta. This area used to be filled with greenhouse nurseries back in the 1950s. The last remaining greenhouse collapsed on a cold day 2006, and that is what you can see on the second photo. If you look to the right on the top photo you can see the new noise barrier. It follows the rail-track between the Tungelsta commuter station and the Kriglida platform.

Saturday, February 09, 2013

That Old Tree

That Old Tree This was the old tree on my latest visit. Since then we have had some more snow.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Snow-covered roof

Snow-covered roof
A building at a horse farm in Lillgården. I will try to remember to go back for a summer version. The reason for that is that the roof will look very different in a few months time as it is a grass roof!

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Under Construction

Building Site
Building Site Panorama
Despite the cold winter work continues at the new residential area Prästgårdsängen in Västerhaninge.Thirty four new homes are being built here, next to the old vicarage from 1923. The houses will be between 111 and 127 square meters. They will have five rooms, (including three bedrooms), one kitchen, and a carport if you need one. You will also have a private terrace.The architectural style is very Swedish. You need to dig deep in your wallet to live here as the asking price is around 3 500 000SEK.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The impossible ski-track

The impossible ski-track Another photo from my recent winter promenade in the forests and fields around Tungelsta. I don't know how this happened, I tweeted the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute but haven't heard back from them. The ski track is now higher than the snow surrounding it. I guess it can happen if the temperature changes from cold to very cold, and then to much warmer in a short period of time. What I do know is that it is an imposible ski-track at the moment!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

You need powerful front teeth to do this

You need powerful front teeth to do this
So it wasn't me. Spotted while walking aimlessly in a forest the other day.

Monday, February 04, 2013

A poetic winter scene?

Tennis Ball What do you do when you spot a tennis ball on a snowy field? First you look around to make sure that no one can see you. Then you switch to the nifty fifty lens, and before you know it you are on all fours aiming the camera at the ball trying to get that very cool winter photo.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Winter Panorama

Winter panorama me Always fun to shoot self-portraits. And wide angle photos. So as I was out walking in Tungelsta yesterday I decided to try a self-portrait panorama. This is three photos stitched together. I am standing on a field near Mulsta in Tungelsta. The snow is still deep here, but it is very hard. I think it is called crust snow when it is supportable. We call it skare.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Frozen Execution Rock

Frozen Execution Rock
I have shown you this rock before, but as it looked a bit different on this visit, here it is again. Back when Sweden still was a barbaric country we used to execute people at this rock near Hanveden. The last person to die here was the farm worker Anders Gustav Pettersson, who brutally murdered his employer Hugo Fredrik Jaedren at the gates to the Näringsberg estate. That was back in 1855. When I passed the rock earlier in the week I noticed ice and decided to take a few photos.

Friday, February 01, 2013


Theme day. Umbrella/Parasoll. I don't shoot in the rain as my camera isn't water proof so I don't have many umbrella photos. But I do shoot in sunshine, and that's when you might need a parasol. Like this young family that were picnicking in the park during the Midsummer celebrations in Jordbro last summer. Theme Day.