Sunday, February 24, 2013

You Can Never Hold Back Spring

You Can Never Hold Back Spring
Really? This is the roof of a little shed belonging to the Nödesta farm. Try my Time Machine to see the shed and the sheep that once lived here.


  1. Unbelievable difference Steffe! I just cannot image so much snow!!

  2. I like it, just a few receding edges (like an elderly man's hair perhaps!) to show some thawing.

  3. Those sheep must be buried pretty deep in all that snow.

    Re your comment on Ocala: Spanish Moss isn't a "real" plant, and it isn't Spanish nor is it moss. It's an "air plant. It was used by native Americans until they realized it attracted wee bugs and made their skin red and itchy.

    One story is that when the white men arrived in this part of Florida, the Indians suggested they use Spanish Moss to stuff their pillows and mattresses.

    It was sweet revenge for the Indians as the white guys went running off into the woods scratching and screaming!

  4. Thanks for the link. It is pretty in winter but I will go for the warmer weather. And the sheep.

  5. Very beautiful!!!

    Greetings from the Netherlands,
