Saturday, February 09, 2013

That Old Tree

That Old Tree This was the old tree on my latest visit. Since then we have had some more snow.


  1. I remember that old tree from a longer time ago. Still looks the same to me. Our New England area of the states got a monster snowstorm and some 34 inches or 3 feet of snow fell overnight. I think there is 50 million people without electrical power today.

  2. I thought winter was nearly over Steffe? The old tree is looking good with a dusting o snow.

  3. An other beautiful photo, Stefan. I think, this is the most well known tree on the internet.

  4. My compliment to the tree, it is so elegant with the snow around... and spring can't be too far away...

  5. I have my Arch. You have your tree. This is an extraordinary photograph. You should compile a book.

  6. I love the old tree. This one is great. I agree with Bob, a book of the old tree is a great idea.

  7. I am catching up on my favourite blogs and here I am - it is great to see your tree. Stunning shot.
