Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Trains at a station

Commuter Trains
Two commuter trains at the Tungelsta station. Shot this from the newish bridge. If you shoot a scene like this one, a bit from above it is easy to make it into a miniature scene. For this photo I downloaded a free copy of a software called Focal Point 2. It is very easy to use. If you want to try it check out their web site.


  1. At first sight I thought this was a model railway but I then I read you were trying for that effect and you've succeeded in that.

  2. I am with Gerald. I thought it was a very smart model railway too. Great photo!

  3. I like it and will give it a try. Thanks!

  4. That is pretty cool. I am going to think about getting this software.

  5. A fabulous photo. Snow like that here and no trains would be running

  6. I think I'll just enjoy looking at your shots with this effect Steffe, very nice!
