Thursday, February 04, 2010

And Then The Roof Caved In

A Very Cold Coca Cola

A steel roof at a warehouse gave in to the pressure from all the snow at the Coca Cola brewery in Jordbro yesterday. At the time of the accident a few workers were up on the roof. No one was injured. The weather has been quite bad in the south of the country in the last day or so with many accidents. When the rescue services arrived they decided to evacuate the plant. The hole measured 10 by 20 meters and production at the plant was stopped. The staff was sent home for the day and the responsible construction company arrived to asses the damages. That means that at least three people that you have met here got the day off. Camilla, Stina, and Micke. From where I shot this it was impossible to see any of the damages to the plant.


  1. It made for a great picture though!

  2. Snow is very heavy and thus very dangerous. Our daughter in Colorado had a house built with a very tall, sloping roof made of most of the snow rolls right off.

    I think the workers were quite fortunate!

  3. I'm really glad no one was hurt, but I hope this doesn't affect the production of my beloved Diet Coke. I don't think I'd survive...

  4. Sorry to hear winter has been so rough this year. Good none were seriously injured, though.

    I have to say that Coke and snow definitely don't go together in my mind. More likely hot chocolate!

  5. avec toutes cette neige, je préfère un bon chocolat chaud qu'un coca-cola ;)

  6. I agree it is very fortunate that no one was hurt. People don't realize how dangerous and heavy snow can get.

  7. Oh no! Thankfully there weren't any injuries. Looks like you have been hit with quite a bit of snow.

  8. They just don't make a brewery roof like they used to! Finnish architects?

  9. I am not that keen on big signs like this, but in this shot it looks quite stylish.

  10. I kinda like this sign. I sold a photo of it a while back for 500 GBP!

  11. A pity for them, it so strange to see these things happening there, but probably the eather got much worse than usual.
