Wednesday, February 03, 2010

You Just Can't Win!

You Just Can't Win

It's never a good idea to get on the wrong side with the local snow plough driver. You just can't win. Found this car parked at Löparstigen in Tungelsta. I guess it will take some effort to get it out from all the snow. But there is some good news, as it looks like the windshield wipers will work just fine!

(Update, this photo was published in the big morning paper DN today, so hurrah for that!)


  1. Well, Steffe! Why don't you go clear out that car!? Maybe it belongs to Sara the Vicar?! Be Mr. Nice Guy!

  2. Poor little car. Looks as if it's been caught in an avalanche and its wipers are trying to get a rescuer's attention.

  3. It's a snow bug with it's antennas up.

  4. This is so sad, I only laughed for three minutes!

    Best, probably, to leave it there 'til spring!

  5. Somehow it is a pretty funny shot!

  6. Looks like some one has their work cut out for them.

  7. voila une voiture qui va hiberner un certain temps ;)

  8. I actually got this photo published in Sweden's biggest morning paper today. So now a few million readers can look at it!

  9. Same thing happened to me when I lived in Boston. I couldn't get the car out for two weeks. I moved to Florida shortly after that.

  10. Congrats on publishing! :-)

  11. It looks so funny with the wipers sticking up like that!

  12. but the good news is the windshield wipers are not frozen onto the windshield -:)

  13. Congrats on the picture in the paper! I can see why they picked it. The car might not start anyway so I say leave it.

  14. Working wipers are an important thing!

  15. Maybe the owner flew to the Bahamas or Canary Islands for a little sun and fun, and to get away from all that snow.

  16. Had I wanted I could have made a gallery with photos like this one. Everywhere you look there's a snowed in car (or bicycle).

    Good one Brattcat and Don and Krise!

    Glad I could cheer you up a bit Jacob.

    I'd like to think so Clueless.

  17. I can't imagine what could happen here with a tenth of that snow. My compliments for the publication your image. A very funny and telling image!
