Saturday, August 29, 2009


Turbo & Tyson

It's tricky not to meet people at Gullringskärret in Jordbro. It's a popular nature reserve, and there's also a big ancient grave field here. I have shot quite a few portraits here. Both dog owners and horse back riders. And this time I met this quartet. This is Jossan and Sara. The dogs are called Turbo (Rottweiler/German Shepherd ), and Tyson (Amstaff). The dogs where probably more interested in the surroundings, and wanted the photo shoot to end as soon as possible. Tyson belongs to Sara's son. Sara and Jossan both live nearby in Jordbro and are friends through their respective families. Sara works in marketing, and also in day care. Jossan used to work in home care, but are now thinking about open a dog care centre, or Hunddagis as we like to call it in Swedish. After I uploaded this photo to flickr I met Micke again (The Family Man), and he told me that he knew Jossan, which isn't that surprising to me, as it really is a small world we live in.


  1. I like these ladies and their dogs too.

  2. You've added to your potential. You could open a shop and do human portraits and now, also doggy portraits!

    Very nice, Steffe. Those look like very powerful dogs. Wouldn't want either of them angry with me.

  3. Another nice photo, and also interesting to read.
    God helg!

  4. Very good double double portrait. I think you are right about the dogs, their attention was obviously somewhere else.

  5. I think you made the dogs fall asleep!

    Hunddagis - that sounds so cute.

  6. nice one....the beauties nd the beasts....

  7. Another winner Steffe. Do you somehow chart the ties between the people you meet? An interesting tree that would make.

  8. Those dogs have great names! That is a nice portrait.

  9. I have photographed over 220 people by now and I don't always ask who knows who. But, when I was still shooting for the 100 Strangers Project, and still had all the names in one notebook, I managed to tie a few people together and got some nice coincidences. You can check out some stories here. I will try to write down all the names in a new notebook, that will make that sort of thing it easier in the future. I was at a big Greaser meet today, and will probably bore you to death with photos from that gathering in the common week, and I did actually met a few familiar faces at that gathering.
