Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Fenced In

Fenced In

I don't like fences. But they make for interesting photo opportunities sometimes. For the November Theme Day I decided to make a collage showing fence related photos that I have shot this year. If you follow this blog on a daily basis, and who doesn't, you might remember The Power Tool Operator. He works at a construction site in Handen. You haven't seen the Camel photo before, but I did show you a few other Camel photos on that day when the circus was in town back in July. I found the fenced in plastic cow at Håga in Västerhaninge where it was later joined by a Crocodile. If I knew who he was, I guess I should thank the helicopter pilot. I took that photo during a car show at Torvalla, and it was thanks to him that I got that great snap of the singer Tess Mercedes at that same event.

Click here to view thumbnails for all participants


  1. This is a fun way to show various fences around Haninge

  2. Is it possible that the power tool operator is wearing such brightly colored shorts in order to attract attention? I would not think that would be a problem for him.

  3. I hadn't seen the man with the power tool before - it was worth a repost!

  4. Love the helicopter shot but my wife thanks you for the worker with his shirt off.

  5. Nice and interesting posting!

  6. I don't like fences much either. But I guess sometimes they are necessary. This is a nice collection of fenced-in shots!

  7. Love your collage....especially the power tool operator! :-)

  8. It's unanimous Steffe 'the power tool worker' wins!!! Great collection of fences here.

  9. Ha ha, I hear you ladies. if I see him again, I will tell him that this is how you would like him to look.

  10. Great collage and I like to read the story behind each. Good to see the "power tool guy" again too.

  11. Hmmmm, one for the ladies! Forget the fencing...

  12. No end of possibilities of what can be behind a fence! Nice collage indeed!

  13. I don't like fences either Steffe. Enjoy your month.

  14. Clever and amusing take on the theme today, Steffe!
