Saturday, May 07, 2011

I'll climb anything!

I'll climb anything!

This is Robert. He stood out a bit from the rest of the people I noticed at Poseidon's square on Friday so I decided to ask him for a portrait. Robert has moved around a bit and currently he lives in Lomma in Malmö in the south of Sweden. He is studying to become a tree surgeon, (or arborist if you like). What do you do for fun I asked. I climb things was his answer. Doesn't matter what it is, if there's a chance that you can climb it Robert will have a go. He has climbed quite a few buildings in Stockholm. Illegally and without any protection of course. It's the best way to get to the roof he told me!


  1. To each his own. I get the "willies" on a step stool!

    We had a bull once on my grandma's farm that had a ring through his nose.

    Re your comment on The Villages: Why would I bring a hose to a dance? ;-)

  2. Must be the name ;)

    Always a safe hand and step for him.
    Please have a good weekend ahead.

    daily athens

  3. That's quite the nose ring! No wonder he stood out from the crowd.

  4. Robert needs to stay sway from magnets.

  5. How does he pick his nose with that huge bull nose ring? Helt otroligt!

  6. I would like his line of work but not his hobbies. Climbinmg trees is much more fun and useful, if you cure them.
    To say that ha guy has 'a ring through the nose' (Un anello al naso) is not a compliment in Italian, except in this case, maybe.

  7. Interesting place to keep his spare mountain climbing bits!

  8. Is that nose ring part of his climbing gear? At the ready????

  9. I can see why he stood out from the crowd!

  10. HAHAHAHAHA, love birdman's comment!
    im curious how he would look without the glasses, the hairdthingie and especially the nosering....

  11. That sounds tough Jacob. My dad who worked as a volunteer fire-fighter was afraid of heights.

    Ha, that must be it Robert.

    It's a big one RedPat.

    Good one Jack.

    That's not a bad opening question Leif!

    Very different probably CaT.

    I will Google that Mr. Poet.

    I knew someone would say that Julie and Birdman.

  12. Vikings' spirit is here! For sure he knows how to draw attention to himself.

  13. He must be a very daring individual!

  14. Wow. what an interesting and thrill-seeking hobby. I couldn't do it that's for sure - but more power to him! Great portrait!

  15. Climbing isn't the bad part for me, it's when I get high enough and look down that the problem starts!
    He has a very strong jaw line and sounds like an interesting guy.
