Sunday, May 08, 2011

Hiding in the Grass

The Hedgehog

Out on a bike ride a few days ago, I noticed a movement by the side of the road. It was a hedgehog (or Igelkott in Swedish). It was busy trying not to be seen by anyone and especially not by nosy photographers. We locked eyes for a few seconds, and then I snapped a couple of photos before the hedgehog decided it was time to head off to safety.


  1. That's completely adorable! Nicely done. :)

  2. Great capture of an elusive animal. I have seen a hedgehog in Germany, but never in the USA. Maybe we do not have them in the western hemisphere.

  3. Nice shot, Steffe. It does make one wonder how hedgehogs get dates . . .

  4. sounds romantic!
    in dutch its an "egel", i always found hedgehog a weird word as its sooo totally different from the dutch.. :)

  5. Cool shot... love the 'hair'. Ha!

  6. What an adorable shot! I'm glad it waited long enough for you to get this shot. I have never seen one myself, only pictures.

  7. What a great capture! I don't think I've seen one up close before!

  8. These are so fascinating. We don't have these here.

  9. Oh my! What a cutie!! (A dangerous cutie)... I've never actually seen one of these before. Very nice.

  10. Great job to get the hedgehog in focus and not the grass.

  11. WDP said it, well spotted Steffe! Here in UK its was hedgehog awareness week a short while back. I have not seen one in a while though.
