Friday, May 06, 2011

Fenced In

Fenced In

Fences come in many varieties and styles. I normally don't like fences. But they make for interesting photos sometimes. I did a flickr search just now and realised that I had more than enough fence related photos to create a Fence set. The fence here protects a field in rural Österhaninge, and the tree in the background is the Magic Toothache Tree.


  1. la recherche de la liberte. superbe diaporama

  2. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I am partial to the fence with the birds and the interesting one next to the sod house.

  3. Wonderful photos - you certainly have an eye for a good picture.

  4. Good grief, you've got a lot of fence shots. You could do a whole blog just on fences! Some terrific shots there, Steffe! I usually try to keep a fence out of a shot but you've used them very creatively.

    Not only so, but fences are great 'cause the grass is always greener on the other side!

  5. I envy your variety, most of ours are rusty and almost without shape.
